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My Lost Cause

So. When I first started this assignment, I decided to take the pieces and work up into something. I thought, “okay, I have don’t have a text book because all mine were rented. K. So newspaper. Let’s run with that. Its got text right?” From there I did the math in my head: Newspaper+Lost causes ( aka, my findings from monday)=……ORIGAMI! yes. maybe  not the most original idea. but there you have it.

Now i’m not completely inept at these things, but give me anything more complicated than 5 or so steps…and you have a lost cause :). So, my lap top is out of order and out of reach at the moment and i’m currently cameraless and use a kind family members computer, so you’ll just have to wait til class to see my finished work. One is a miracle, the other is a “symbol” of frustration. tee hee.

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